Put plans together and dominate decks in these games that are perfect for the Deck.

The best strategy games and deckbuilders for the Steam Deck

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Tactics Ogre: Reborn

The greatest strategy RPG of all time? Quite possibly. It's Deck verified, and dense enough to keep you busy until Square finally puts Final Fantasy Tactics on PC (even if that takes years).


Dome Keeper - 875MB

This compact roguelike forces you to gather resources to protect your glass dome from monsters. A compulsive "one more run" game with a teeny install size.


Slay the Spire - 875MB

We scored this masterpiece 92%, and it works straight off the bat, no changes or Proton needed. The game's install size is super small too.


Stacklands - 200MB

This is one game that'll give you an excuse to play around with the Deck's touch screen, and that aspect works without a hitch unlike some of the games we've tested.


Into the Breach - 400MB

Our 2018 GOTY, which got even better with a 2022 expansion. This one's very controller friendly, especially as the cursor snaps to the centre of each square it lands on.


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