Halo Infinite crossplay is here, and it's a little confusing.

Halo Infinite crossplay: how it works

How do you turn Halo Infinite crossplay on?

Crossplay is always on in Halo Infinite by default. As far as we can tell, you don't have to do anything to activate it, so get ready to own a whole lot of Xbox Series X players if you're on PC. 

I'm an Xbox player who wants to turn off crossplay. Can I?

Not really. There is no overall crossplay toggle in the current build of Halo Infinite, but it's possible it will come soon after the full launch of the game this December. 

Does Halo Infinite have input-based matchmaking?

Yes, but it only currently works in Ranked Solo/Duos. Choose between "Keyboard/Mouse" and "Controller" on the matchmaking screen. Whichever you choose, you'll only be matched with players using the same input.

How can you tell when crossplay is working?

You can't. There isn't any visual signifier that players in lobbies are on PC or Xbox. Neither the pre-game lobby nor the in-game scoreboard have "Xbox/PC" symbols next to usernames, like they do in Battlefield 2042 or Apex Legends.

Halo Infinite: How to invite Steam friends

Option one: Press Shift+Tab to summon the Steam overlay, right-click a friend, then invite them. Option two: Go to Halo's social menu by pressing Tab on the main menu, then click "Find Friends" at the bottom. From there, select Steam.

Halo Infinite: How to invite Discord friends

The easiest way to do this is through your Discord client. You should see an invite option in the text box of the server you're in while Infinite is running. Any invites will appear in the text channel you're viewing with a join button that will automatically place friends in your fireteam.

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