Halo Infinite's battle pass is a grind. Don't let it get you down.

Halo Infinite: How to level up fast

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1. Start with your most achievable challenges

Focus on your challenges that don't require really specific actions first—you can easily complete three quick play matches to earn 200 XP, for example, while earning 15 kills with the Commando rifle could take ages.

2. Some challenges can be completed in Bot Bootcamp

If you're aiming for speed, you can go after non-PvP challenges in the Bot Bootcamp and beat up on the AI. These are usually straightforward challenges, like completing a match of CTF.

3. Use challenge swaps to ditch crappy challenges

Challenge swaps are consumables, so only use them if you really don't want to attempt a particular challenge. This is a smart way to keep leveling up while still playing Halo the way you want to.

4. Event challenges can give you easy(ish) XP

While an event is active, look at the event challenges highlighted in red to see where to focus your efforts. They normally include unlockable XP Boosts to accelerate your leveling speed. 

5. Want to spend money to level up? Optimize how you use XP Boost 

If you buy the premium battle pass for ($10/£8) you'll unlock an XP Boost every five levels. XP Boosts double the XP you gain for an hour, so it's best to use one when you have some easy-to-complete weekly challenges lined up.

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